Bye bye love, take care, mind how you go

Created by Hannah 3 years ago

I am so grateful for our relationship over the last few years. To see so much of you was always a pleasure and I know how lucky I am for being able to spend special moments with you, like birthdays and over Christmas. 

I found it hard when I became a Mum. I needed my own Mum much more than I thought I would and that meant getting to be with you too. You had a way of raising me up and making me feel like the best Mum in the world. Always positive and encouraging and taking such an interest in the kids, never complaining about noise or mess. And more than once letting me fall asleep on the sofa next to you and taking a baby! 

Knowing you as an adult with my own life and family meant getting to know you better too. You had such interesting stories to tell and both Daniel and I enjoyed hearing them, from school to hobbies to holidays. 

Every time I said goodbye you would say the same thing to me “bye bye love, take care, mind how you go” including the last time. I miss you everyday but am so grateful that me and my family had the opportunity to create memories with you. Henry and Holly were so very lucky for their time with you. 

So now I think again of your farewell words to me as I say thank you for the memories. I will miss you. 

Love Hannah and family xxxx