Dad - loved more than he ever knew

Created by Sharon 2 years ago

Dad was the foundation of our family - always there for everyone, taking interest in everything we did and he loved his family more than anything. He and Mum also loved animals and thanks to them, I too share their love of animals. He was hard working, honest, stoic and brave. He was also very gentle, kind and sensitive. He took care of everyone else and often sacrificed his own wants in order to put us all first. I remember when I was eight years old and our dog, Wendy died. I was inconsolable and that night he played Monopoly and let me win. Looking back as an adult, it must have been the last thing he wanted to do. He was upset too but his only concern was putting a smile back on my face. That was so typical of him - always putting us first. A couple of years after Mum died he went to live with Julie and Trevor and loved and appreciated how they, their children and Grandchildren included him in their family. When Les and I visited, we would take Dad out and as soon as he was away from Julie he’d say “I want to get something for Julie. She’d love those flowers” or “she’d love that plant”. He never stopped caring and giving. Even in the last couple of weeks when he was very ill he was upset because he was unable to send birthday cards to all of us. He was such a selfless man that I really don’t think he had any idea how much we all loved him back. I already miss him so much but I feel blessed that he was my Dad and will cherish my memories with him forever. I take comfort in knowing he is where he was ready to be - with Mum. Rest in Peace Dad.  I love you. Sharon xxx